City Retreat City Retreat

Regulatory compliance for residential rentals in the Netherlands

Posted 18th July 2024 by James Evans

  • The purpose of this page it to establish adherence to the laws, regulations and guidelines relevant to renting out serviced accommodation in the Netherlands.
  • Some changes in the regulations surrounding the rental of residential properties in the Netherlands have been imposed or will likely will be imposed in the coming 6 months.
  • The below is a summary and an explanation on how CR will be handling them.

Questions about renting with City Retreat

  • The Netherlands has now implemented a rent cap for 'mid-range' properties starting in 2024, based on a point system.
  • This new law applies to all properties with fewer than 187 points, potentially capping the monthly rental income for these properties at approximately €1,100.00.
  • Extra point relevance is now given for things such as the energy label and outdoor spaces.
  • City Retreat (CR) will divide the monthly revenue stated in agreements with tenants into six categories: rent, furnishings, utilities, maintenance, support, and service. Depending on the final details, CR may need to secure a separate service agreement in addition to the tenancy agreement.
  • Pending final details, and in an extreme case, CR may be required to secure a separate service agreement to accompany the tenancy agreement.
  • A full list of the maintenance, support and services that CR provide to the tenant can be found here.

Verified by GMW advocaten.

Content source by Russel Advocaten.